25 Facts About Dallas Stoudenmire


Dallas Stoudenmire was one of the nine children of Lewis and Elizabeth Stoudenmire.


Shortly after the American Civil War began, Dallas Stoudenmire enlisted in the Army of the Confederacy, even though he was only 15 years old.


Dallas Stoudenmire re-enlisted twice more and eventually was allowed to serve as a private in Company F, 45th Alabama Infantry Regiment.


Dallas Stoudenmire carried two bullets in his body for the remainder of his life.


Dallas Stoudenmire had a reputation for being handsome, a sharp dresser and a gentleman around ladies.


Dallas Stoudenmire was known for his habit of wearing two guns and being equally accurate with either hand.


Dallas Stoudenmire disappeared from the records between 1874 and 1878, possibly residing in Mexico for a time.


Dallas Stoudenmire was able to speak Spanish fairly well, and is known to have worked during the years immediately after the war as a sheep farmer, wheelwright, proprietor, merchandiser, and carpenter.


Dallas Stoudenmire resurfaced when he served as a town marshal for Socorro, New Mexico.


Dallas Stoudenmire traveled to El Paso by stagecoach and was hired.


Marshal Dallas Stoudenmire started his tenure in El Paso on Monday, April 11,1881.


Dallas Stoudenmire was the sixth town marshal in eight months.


Witnesses alleged that Dallas Stoudenmire approached an intoxicated Johnson asking for the jail keys.


Dallas Stoudenmire became impatient and demanded he hand over the keys right away.


Dallas Stoudenmire was eating dinner at a restaurant across the street.


Dallas Stoudenmire quickly pulled out his pistols and fired at Johnson eight times, severing his testicles.


Dallas Stoudenmire began to publicly confront those responsible for James Manning's acquittal and caused many to avoid coming into town or visiting saloons for fear of running into an enraged Stoudenmire.


Dallas Stoudenmire was not from El Paso, had no family there other than his own family and his deceased brother-in-law; the Mannings had been in El Paso longer and had many friends in the general population as well as in high places in the city government.


Dallas Stoudenmire had only two things in his favor; he had dramatically lowered El Paso's violent crime rate more than any who came before him, and people truly feared him.


Dallas Stoudenmire walked into the council hall, drunk, and dared them to take his guns or his job.


Dallas Stoudenmire was then appointed Deputy US Marshal for Western Texas and New Mexico Territory by US Marshal Harrington Lee "Hal" Gosling.


On one instance, while standing out in the street, a drunken Dallas Stoudenmire mocked them, daring them to come outside and fight him.


On September 18,1882, the Mannings and Dallas Stoudenmire met in a local saloon, to make what they would call a "peace treaty" to end the feud.


Dallas Stoudenmire is buried in the Alleyton Cemetery in Colorado County, Texas.


Dallas Stoudenmire only kept the job temporarily, as he often failed to arrest friends and acquaintances.