11 Facts About Daniel Domscheit-Berg


Daniel Domscheit-Berg, previously known under the pseudonym Daniel Schmitt, is a German technology activist.


Daniel Domscheit-Berg is best known as the former spokesperson for WikiLeaks and the author of Inside WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website.


Daniel Domscheit-Berg began working with WikiLeaks after meeting Assange at the Chaos Computer Club's annual conference in 2007.


Daniel Domscheit-Berg stated he would destroy WikiLeaks data when leaving WikiLeaks.


Daniel Domscheit-Berg told weekly Der Freitag that "I took no documents from WikiLeaks with me", leading to suspension of mediations.


Daniel Domscheit-Berg was eventually kicked out of Chaos Computer Club by Muller-Maguhn due to tension over the files and for using the name of the Chaos Computer Club to promote OpenLeaks.


WikiLeaks and other sources later alleged that Daniel Domscheit-Berg had destroyed over 3500 unpublished whistleblower communications with some communications containing hundreds of documents, including the US government's No Fly List, 5 GB of Bank of America leaks, insider information from 20 neo-Nazi organizations and evidence of torture and government abuse of a Latin American country.


Daniel Domscheit-Berg confirmed that he had destroyed the unpublished files including the No Fly list.


Daniel Domscheit-Berg said that WikiLeaks' claims about the Bank of America files were "false and misleading" and that he hadn't taken them.


In December 2010, Daniel Domscheit-Berg announced the intention to start a site named "OpenLeaks" with the intention of being more transparent than WikiLeaks.


On 23 December 2012 Daniel Domscheit-Berg announced on the website that the organisation would not go ahead as previously intended and would now focus on providing technology and expertise regarding how to receive documents from anonymous sources rather than directly facilitating leaks themselves.