10 Facts About David Charlton


David George Charlton is Professor of Particle Physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Birmingham, UK.


David Charlton went on to study for a PhD in Particle Physics at the University of Birmingham, which he was awarded in 1989 for work on the UA1 experiment, searching for the top quark.


David Charlton's research investigates the Higgs mechanism and electroweak symmetry breaking.


David Charlton is regarded as a leader in the experimental elucidation of electroweak symmetry-breaking, culminating in the observation and first characterisation of a Higgs boson, at the Large Hadron Collider.


David Charlton's research has been funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council.


David Charlton's work helped to provide the first measurement there of the yield of Z decays, before measurement of the fraction decaying to bottom quarks.


David Charlton's lecturing was in abeyance whilst he held the position of Spokesperson at ATLAS.


David Charlton was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2014.


In 2017, David Charlton was awarded the Richard Glazebrook Medal and Prize by the Institute of Physics for his leadership in experimental particle physics.


David Charlton was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in 1994.