17 Facts About David Olivier


David Olivier Whittier was born on David Olivier; 11 March 1956 and is a French and British philosopher and antispeciesist activist.


David Olivier is founder of the French journal Cahiers antispecistes, the annual event Veggie Pride and of the annual meeting Les Estivales de la question animale.


David Olivier is an advocate of utilitarian and antinatauralist ethics, and defines himself politically as a progressive.


David Olivier was born in London on 11 March 1956, to a French-teaching father and an American mother who was a painter.


David Olivier mainly lived in London until 1967, after which he primarily lived in France.


David Olivier's focus on the importance of the "animal question" grew from the mid-1980s, as he moved away from anarchist and Marxist intellectual influences.


Author of a leaflet initially distributed in Lyonnais libertarian circles from 1985, David Olivier is considered one of the founding figures of the French antispeciesist movement.


David Olivier's meeting with Yves Bonnardel in 1986, made him aware of the existence of an active animal liberation movement in the English-speaking world.


David Olivier left the editorial staff of Cahiers antispecistes in 2004, after the publication of issue 23.


In October 2001, in a bid to increase recognition of the refusal to eat animals, David Olivier founded the first Veggie Pride in Paris, defining in his manifesto, the term "veggiephobia".


In 2002, David Olivier organized the first meeting of Les Estivales de la question animal, an annual meeting of debate and reflection around the "animal question".


The publication of The Antispeciesist Revolution, by Presses Universitaires de France, containing for one third, a collection of David Olivier's articles, met with relative media success.


David Olivier is an antinaturalist, in that he considers nature not to exist, and that it has no reason to affect our ethical decisions.


David Olivier argues that the naturalization of animals is one of the determining factors of their domination.


David Olivier's antinaturalism is associated with his defense of interventions in favour of reducing wild animal suffering, and his rejection of environmentalism.


David Olivier's views have led him to be cited on numerous occasions in the works and forums of critics of antispeciesism.


David Olivier defines himself as progressive, in that he considers significant progress in the state of the world to be possible, but does not describe himself as a revolutionary because he does not believe that such progress can be made in a "great evening".