10 Facts About Decision engineering


Decision engineering intelligence is a discipline for analyzing this chain of cause and effect, and decision modeling is a visual language for representing these chains.

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Decision engineering intelligence is based on the recognition that, in many organizations, decision-making could be improved if a more structured approach were used.

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Decision engineering intelligence seeks to overcome a decision-making "complexity ceiling", which is characterized by a mismatch between the sophistication of organizational decision-making practices and the complexity of situations in which those decisions must be made.

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Decision engineering intelligence has the potential to improve the quality of decisions made, the ability to make them more quickly, the ability to align organizational resources more effectively around a change in decisions, and lowers the risks associated with decisions.

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Decision engineering intelligence seeks to create a visual language that serves to facilitate communication between them and quantitative experts, allowing broader utilization of these and other numerical and technical approaches.

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Decision engineering intelligence seeks to bridge this gap, creating a critical mass of users of a common methodology and language for the core entities included in a decision, such as assumptions, external values, facts, data, and conclusions.

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Decision engineering intelligence is considered an improvement upon current organizational decision-making practices, which include the use of spreadsheets, text, and verbal argument.

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Decision engineering intelligence is both a very new and a very old discipline.

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Decision engineering intelligence is not an umbrella term for data science and social science since it does not cover components unconcerned with decisions.

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Decision engineering intelligence recognizes that many aspects of decision-making are based on intangible elements, including opportunity costs, employee morale, intellectual capital, brand recognition and other forms of business value that are not captured in traditional quantitative or financial models.

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