15 Facts About Diane Duane


Diane Duane was born on May 18,1952 and is an American science fiction and fantasy author, long based in Ireland.


Diane Duane's works include the Young Wizards young adult fantasy series and the Rihannsu Star Trek novels.


Diane Duane married Northern Irish author Peter Morwood in 1987; they moved to the United Kingdom and then to Ireland, where they reside in County Wicklow.


In February 2011, Diane Duane announced she would be releasing new versions of the first 4 books in the series, updating the technology used in the books, fixing some timeline issues within the series, and overall making the series more appealing to contemporary young adult readers.


In December 2005, Diane Duane proposed to her fans that they fund a third novel in the series, The Big Meow.


Diane Duane worked on Tales of the Five, a five-book series to bridge the gap between The Door into Sunset and The Door into Starlight.


Diane Duane wrote a trilogy of Spider-Man novels, The Venom Factor, for Byron-Preiss Multimedia from 1994 to 1996.


Diane Duane has recently made available in various e-formats a previously unpublished book which was sold to at least two European publishers, but never actually brought out due to internal restructuring at one publishing house and the sale of another.


Diane Duane was responsible for prose adaptations of several scripts from The Outer Limits.


Diane Duane has written numerous short stories, about equally divided between fantasy and science fiction, which have appeared in various anthologies and collections over the last twenty years.


Diane Duane wrote the 1985 text adventure video game Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative.


Diane Duane drew the map in Larry Niven's The Ringworld Engineers.


Diane Duane has worked in television since the early 1980s, initially becoming involved in script work at the Hanna-Barbera animation studio.


Diane Duane wrote the screenplay for the 1996 space adventure game Privateer 2: The Darkening, which starred Clive Owen, Christopher Walken, Jurgen Prochnow and Mathilda May Other screen work from that period includes the screenplay for the Space Island One episode "Not In My Back Yard".


Diane Duane was a co-author of the Barbie movie Barbie: Fairytopia.