11 Facts About Diners


Diners offer a wide range of foods, mostly American cuisine, a casual atmosphere, and, characteristically, a combination of booths served by a waitstaff and a long sit-down counter with direct service, in the smallest simply by a cook.

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Diners were historically small businesses operated by the owner, with some presence of restaurant chains evolving over time.

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Diners typically serve staples of American cuisine such as hamburgers, french fries, club sandwiches, and other simple, quickly cooked, and inexpensive fare, such as meatloaf or steak.

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Diners often serve milkshakes and desserts such as pies, cake or ice cream.

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Diners built in the 2000s generally have a different type of architecture; they are laid out more like restaurants, retaining some aspects of traditional diner architecture while discarding others .

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Diners attract a wide spectrum of the local populations, and are generally small businesses.

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Diners frequently stay open 24 hours a day, especially in cities, and were once the most widespread 24-hour public establishments in the U S, making them an essential part of urban culture, alongside bars and nightclubs; these two segments of nighttime urban culture often find themselves intertwined, as many diners get a good deal of late-night business from persons departing drinking establishments.

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Diners provide a nationwide, recognizable, fairly uniform place to eat and assemble, desirable traits mirrored by fast food chains.

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Diners have figured significantly in American films and television since the form developed.

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Pennsylvania Diners and Other Roadside Restaurants, is a 1993 documentary.

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Diners are the focus of photorealist painter John Baeder who spent about 40 years painting diners across the US.

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