12 Facts About Donal McCann


Donal McCann was an Irish stage, film, and television actor best known for his roles in the works of Brian Friel and for his lead role in John Huston's last film, The Dead.


Donal McCann joined the Abbey Players in the late 1960s.


Donal McCann's career included parts in many plays from the Irish literary canon, including Tarry Flynn, The Shaughran, and the Gate Theatre's highly acclaimed production of Sean O'Casey's classic Juno and the Paycock in the 1980s as well as a subsequent production of O'Casey's The Plough and the Stars.


Donal McCann developed a particularly fruitful relationship with the playwright Brian Friel.


Donal McCann gave a landmark performance as Frank Hardy, the title character, in Faith Healer in 1980, continuing his relationship with Friel through productions of Translations and Wonderful Tennessee.


Donal McCann won the London Critics Circle Theatre Award as best actor for this role in 1995.


Donal McCann began his film career early, in 1966, in Disney's The Fighting Prince of Donegal.

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Brian Friel Neil Jordan

Donal McCann worked a number of times with Neil Jordan.


Donal McCann played in Bob Quinn's Irish-language film Poitin and in Quinn's somewhat experimental The Bishop's Story.


Donal McCann had many friends in Irish theatre and artistic circles but across all strata of life.


Donal McCann's hobbies included sketching and he was passionate about horse racing.


Donal McCann died at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer.