10 Facts About Douglas Osheroff


Douglas Dean Osheroff was born on August 1,1945 and is an American physicist known for his work in experimental condensed matter physics, in particular for his co-discovery of superfluidity in Helium-3.


Douglas Osheroff earned his bachelor's degree in 1967 from Caltech, where he attended lectures by Richard Feynman and did undergraduate research for Gerry Neugebauer.


Douglas Osheroff joined the Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics at Cornell University as a graduate student, doing research in low-temperature physics.


Together with David Lee, the head of the laboratory, and Robert C Richardson, Osheroff used a Pomeranchuk cell to investigate the behaviour of He at temperatures within a few thousandths of a degree of absolute zero.


Lee, Richardson and Douglas Osheroff were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1996 for this discovery.


Douglas Osheroff then worked at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey for 15 years, continuing to research low-temperature phenomena in He.


Douglas Osheroff's research is focused on phenomena that occur at extremely low temperatures.

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Douglas Osheroff was selected to serve on the Space Shuttle Columbia investigation panel, serving much the same role as Richard Feynman did on the Space Shuttle Challenger panel.


Douglas Osheroff currently serves on the board of advisors of Scientists and Engineers for America, an organization focused on promoting sound science in American government.


Douglas Osheroff is left-handed, and he often blames his slight quirks and eccentricities on it.