28 Facts About Dr Mindbender


Dr Mindbender is a scientist who works for the terrorist organization Cobra; like other characters in the fictional universe, his characterization has fluctuated from that of comical villain to dangerous fascist depending on the release.

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Dr Mindbender built a machine to relieve dental pain, using electric brainwave stimulation.

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Dr Mindbender abandoned his practice and joined forces with Cobra, devoting all his time to perfecting his digital brain-scrambling.

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Dr Mindbender is a master of mind control and interrogation, but his expertise includes genetics, cloning, orthodontistry, and some cybernetics.

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The Dr Mindbender toy was bare chested with purple pants and leather metal-studded suspenders.

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New version of Doctor Dr Mindbender was released in 1993 as part of the Battle Corps line.

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Dr Mindbender became Cobra's primary science officer, after his predecessor Doctor Venom was killed in action.

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Dr Mindbender creates the composite-clone Serpentor in an attempt to engineer the ultimate soldier.

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Dr Mindbender takes the opportunity to add in the DNA of the ninja Storm Shadow.

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Dr Mindbender manages to preserve Serpentor's body, which was thought by many to be destroyed.

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One of Dr Mindbender's new projects is a new, more powerful Battle Android Trooper.

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When Serpentor is defeated again, Dr Mindbender is captured, but manages to convince Cobra Commander to spare his life, by offering him control of his latest creation, a weapon of mass destruction called the Tempest.

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Dr Mindbender ends up on the run over Cobra Island, trying and failing to escape with the Joe agent Barrel Roll.

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Dr Mindbender is seen running into the forest, pursued by Cobra Vipers.

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Doctor Dr Mindbender is easily Serpentor's most loyal member of Cobra's High command, but there are times when he considers the monarch to be a "spoiled brat".

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Dr Mindbender invents machines or weapons to use against the Joes, such as the nightmare-causing Sombulator and an organ that controls emotions with its music.

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Dr Mindbender had a major role in "My Brother's Keeper", in which he recruits scientist Jeremy Penser to help fix a device called the Voltronic Galaxitor.

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Doctor Dr Mindbender appears outraged by this, as he had thought of Serpentor as his own creation, but he quickly falls into line and begins serving Cobra-La.

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Doctor Dr Mindbender is present in the final battle with Cobra and Cobra-La against the Joes.

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Doctor Dr Mindbender is working on Venom Troopers, but ultimately loses all of his research when the Cobra base is destroyed.

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Joe: Valor vs Venom, Doctor Dr Mindbender has rebuilt all of his research, and the Venom project is fully up and running.

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Doctor Dr Mindbender warns Cobra Commander about putting too much Venom into a single subject but the Commander ignores him.

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Joe: Renegades, Doctor Dr Mindbender appears as a young bio-scientist named Dr Brian Bender who is wanted for his illegal experimentations.

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However, the Joes infiltrated the lab where Dr Mindbender created the first generation of Bio-Vipers and Ripcord sacrificed himself to destroy it.

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In "Prodigal" when the Joes find an amnesiac Ripcord and break him out of the hospital, Dr Mindbender assured Cobra Commander that this would be a good chance to test Ripcord's Bio-Viper form on the Joes by using the Cobra Drones to take control through the control chip in Ripcord.

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However, Dr Mindbender is quick to remind Cobra Commander that he still needs him to cheat death when threatening to expose his condition to the other subordinates.

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Doctor Dr Mindbender manages to bring some Bio-Vipers along and have a fail-safe installed in the Bio-Vipers that would cause them to explode enough to level a section of the city in the event that Doctor Dr Mindbender's neuro-link helmet is separated from him.

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When his Bio-Vipers managed to trap the Joes and Tunnel Rat's brother Teddy in the subway, Doctor Dr Mindbender uses his neuro-link helmet to take control of Ripcord.

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