10 Facts About Economic classes


The Economic classes replaced the clan society when it became too small to sustain the needs of increasing population.

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Economic classes believed that social problems arise through the development of society and suppress the innate pureness of humankind.

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Economic classes believed that private property is the main reason for social issues in society because private property creates inequality through the property's value.

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In class societies, the lower Economic classes systematically receive lower-quality education and care.

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Definitions of social classes reflect a number of sociological perspectives, informed by anthropology, economics, psychology and sociology.

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Erik Olin Wright stated that class definitions are more diverse and elaborate through identifying with multiple Economic classes, having familial ties with people in different a class, or having a temporary leadership role.

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Economic classes noted that contrary to Marx's theories, stratification was based on more than simply ownership of capital.

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Economic classes capital was defined as income and assets; cultural capital as amount and type of cultural interests and activities; and social capital as the quantity and social status of their friends, family and personal and business contacts.

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Those in lower Economic classes tend to feel more alienated and have lower work satisfaction overall.

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Economic classes pointed to the successful rise of the bourgeoisie and the necessity of revolutionary violence—a heightened form of class conflict—in securing the bourgeois rights that supported the capitalist economy.

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