23 Facts About Ellen Glasgow


Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow was an American novelist who won the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel in 1942 for her novel In This Our Life.


Ellen Glasgow published 20 novels, as well as short stories, to critical acclaim.


Ellen Glasgow's parents married on July 14,1853, survived the American Civil War, and would have ten children together, of whom Ellen would be the next to youngest.


Ellen Glasgow spent many summers at her family's Louisa County, Virginia, estate, the historic Jerdone Castle plantation, which her father bought in 1879, and would later use that setting in her writings.


Ellen Glasgow's mother was Anne Jane Gholson, born to William Yates Gholson and Martha Anne Jane Taylor at Needham plantation in Cumberland County, Virginia.


Ellen Glasgow destroyed part of the manuscript after her mother died in 1893.


Ellen Glasgow stated that her third novel, The Voice of People was an objective view of the poor-white farmer in politics.


Much of her work was influenced by the romantic interests and human relationships that Ellen Glasgow developed throughout her life.


Ellen Glasgow felt that the movement came "at the wrong moment" for her, and her participation and interest waned.


Ellen Glasgow did not at first make women's roles her major theme, and she was slow to place heroines rather than heroes at the centers of her stories.


Ellen Glasgow published two more novels, The Builders and One Man in His Time, as well as a set of short stories, before producing her novel of greatest personal importance, Barren Ground.


Ellen Glasgow meets a man and gets engaged, only for him to leave for New York and desert her.


Ellen Glasgow wrote Barren Ground in retrospect to her own life, and the heroine's life mirrors hers almost exactly.


Ellen Glasgow portrays the insignificance of human relationships and romance by contrasting it directly to the vastness of nature itself.


Ellen Glasgow is of the South; but she is not by any manner of means provincial.


Ellen Glasgow was educated, being a delicate child, at home and at private schools.


Artistic recognition of her work may have climaxed in 1931 when Ellen Glasgow presided over the Southern Writers Conference at the University of Virginia.


Ellen Glasgow produced two more "novels of character", The Sheltered Life and Vein of Iron, in which she continued to explore female independence.


In 1941 Ellen Glasgow published In This Our Life, the first of her writings to take a bold and progressive attitude towards black people.


Ellen Glasgow incorporated African Americans into the story as main characters of the narrative, and these characters become a theme within the novel itself.


Ellen Glasgow died in her sleep at home on November 21,1945, and is buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia.


Ellen Glasgow maintained a close lifelong friendship with James Branch Cabell, another notable Richmond writer.


In 1916, Glasgow met Henry W Anderson, a prominent attorney and Republican Party leader, who collaborated with Glasgow and provided copies of his speeches for her novel The Builders.