15 Facts About Emily Davies


Sarah Emily Davies was an English feminist and suffragist, and a pioneering campaigner for women's rights to university access.


Emily Davies is remembered above all as a co-founder and an early Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge, the first university college in England to educate women.


Emily Davies wrote the article "Female Physicians" for the feminist English Woman's Journal in May 1860, and "Medicine as a Profession for Women" in 1862.


Emily Davies became a founding member of a women's discussion group, the Kensington Society, along with Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Barbara Bodichon, Dorothea Beale and Frances Mary Buss, who together petitioned Parliament to grant women voting rights, to no avail.


Emily Davies began campaigning for women's rights to further education, degrees and teaching qualifications.


Emily Davies was active on the London School Board and in the Schools Inquiry Commission, and instrumental in obtaining the admission of girls to official secondary-school examinations.


Emily Davies went on to advocate the admission of women to the Universities of London, Oxford and Cambridge.


Emily Davies became involved in the suffrage movement, which centred on a woman's right to vote.


In 1869, Emily Davies led the campaign to found Britain's first women's college, with the support of Frances Buss, Dorothea Beale and Barbara Bodichon.


Emily Davies pressed for a curriculum equivalent to those offered to men of the time.


The Senate rejecting her proposal to let women officially sit for the papers, but Emily Davies continued to train students for the Cambridge Tripos exams on an unofficial basis.


Emily Davies persistent fight for equal education for women was instrumental in the founding in 1875 of Newnham College, which would be led by Anne Jemima Clough.


In June 1901, Emily Davies received an honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Glasgow.


Emily Davies was known for opposing the militant and violent methods used by the Suffragette part of the women's suffrage movement, led by the Pankhursts.


Emily Davies died at home in Belsize Park, Hampstead, London, on 13 July 1921 aged 91.