11 Facts About Emily Gorcenski


Emily Gorcenski was born on 1982 and is an American data scientist and activist who now resides in Germany.


Emily Gorcenski attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where she studied aeronautical and mechanical engineering before graduating with a degree in mathematics.


Emily Gorcenski told The Intercept that she had been victim to transphobic harassment from before the rally in Charlottesville.


Emily Gorcenski was swatted in October 2017 after the rally's organizer Jason Kessler reportedly doxed her.


In 2018, due to safety concerns, Emily Gorcenski left Charlottesville for Berlin, Germany, where she now resides.


Emily Gorcenski created the website 'First Vigil' to track the trial information of white nationalists and associated individuals.


Emily Gorcenski was named one of the fifty most influential feminists in 2018 by Bitch magazine for her work in creating First Vigil.

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In 2016, Emily Gorcenski criticized the ethics of a study by an independent researcher who released the private information on approximately 70,000 users of the dating website OkCupid.


Emily Gorcenski covered the issue in a discussion with Sarah Jeong at Mozfest in 2017.


Emily Gorcenski sometimes speaks about the ethics of emerging technology, such as consumer internet of things devices.


In 2016, Emily Gorcenski explored software quality controls for electronic voting machines, expressing concern for the apparent lack of mandatory standards.