11 Facts About Emo


Emo fashion has been associated with skinny jeans, black eyeliner, tight s with band names, studded belts, and flat, straight, jet-black hair with long bangs.

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Emo originated in hardcore punk and is considered a form of Nonetheless, emo has been considered a genre of alternative rock, indie rock, punk rock and pop punk.

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Emo uses the guitar dynamics that use both the softness and loudness of punk rock music.

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Emo, which began as a post-hardcore subgenre, was part of the 1980s hardcore punk scene in Washington, DC as something different from the violent part of the Washington, DC hardcore scene.

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Emo combined the fatalism, theatricality and isolation of The Smiths with hardcore punk's uncompromising, dramatic worldview.

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Emo's popularity grew during the late 1990s, laying the foundation for mainstream success.

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Emo broke into the mainstream media during the summer of 2002.

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Emo pop is a subgenre of emo known for its pop music influences, more concise songs and hook-filled choruses.

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Emo pop became successful during the late 1990s, with its popularity increasing in the early 2000s.

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Emo rap is a genre that combines emo music with hip hop music.

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Emo fashion has been confused with goth and scene fashion.

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