15 Facts About Emperor Jimmu


Emperor Jimmu was the legendary first emperor of Japan according to the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki.


Emperor Jimmu launched a military expedition from Hyuga near the Seto Inland Sea, captured Yamato, and established this as his center of power.


Historians have stressed that there is no evidence for the existence of Emperor Jimmu with most scholars agreeing that he is a legendary figure.


The story of Emperor Jimmu seems to rework legends associated with the Otomo clan, and its function was to establish that clan's links to the ruling family, just as those of Suijin arguably reflect Mononobe tales and the legends in Ojin's chronicles seem to derive from Soga clan traditions.


Emperor Jimmu sent her grandson to the Japanese islands where he eventually married Konohana-Sakuya-hime.


Emperor Jimmu was the daughter of Ryujin, the Japanese sea god.


Emperor Jimmu realized that they had been defeated because they battled eastward against the sun, so he decided to land on the east side of Kii Peninsula and to battle westward.


At this point, Emperor Jimmu is said to have ascended to the throne of Japan.


The traditional site of Emperor Jimmu's grave is near Mount Unebi in Kashihara, Nara Prefecture.


Veneration of Emperor Jimmu was a central component of the imperial cult that formed following the Meiji Restoration.


In 1890 Kashihara Shrine was established nearby, on the spot where Emperor Jimmu was said to have ascended to the throne.


In 1940 Japan celebrated the 2600th anniversary of Emperor Jimmu's ascension and built a monument to Hakko ichiu despite the fact that all historians knew Emperor Jimmu was a legendary figure.


The dates of Jimmu reigning from 660 BC to 585 BC are improbable, and most modern scholars agree that the traditional founding of the Yamato dynasty in 660 BC is a myth and that Jimmu along with the first nine emperors are legendary.


The legend of Emperor Jimmu is a mixture of myth with some plausible history.


Emperor Jimmu could have been a local ruler who conquered the area near Kashihara after 62 BC.