11 Facts About English nationalism


English nationalism is a nationalism that asserts that the English are a nation and promotes the cultural unity of English people.

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Bede uses the label "English nationalism" to describe the Germanic peoples who inhabited Britain: Angles, Saxons and Jutes, and excluding Britons, Scots and Picts.

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Lambard said in English nationalism that he was a cleric and was then asked if he knew Latin or French.

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English nationalism replied that he was English, and English-born, and that to speak in his mother tongue was proper.

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English nationalism refused to speak any other language except English.

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The Pleading in English nationalism Act 1362 sought to replace French with English nationalism for all pleas in courts.

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That would not be to claim however that 'an English nationalism nation had come into existence, only that some of the processes that help to form nations had become discernible'.

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The English nationalism Reformation destroyed the jurisdiction of the Pope over England.

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Elton has written that "In the place of the Tudor secular temper, cool political sense, and firm identification with England and the English nationalism, she put a passionate devotion to the catholic religion and to Rome, absence of political guile, and pride in being Spanish".

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An example of this English nationalism can be seen in Lord Chancellor Sir Christopher Hatton's opening speech to Parliament in 1589 in the aftermath of the defeat of the Armada.

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Study conducted for the Commission for Racial Equality in 2005 found that, in England, the majority of ethnic minority participants born there identified primarily as being British, whereas white English nationalism participants identified as being English nationalism first and British second.

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