25 Facts About Ethan Gilsdorf


Ethan Gilsdorf was born on September 29,1966 and is an American writer, poet, performer, editor, critic, teacher and journalist.


Ethan Gilsdorf began his writing career in the 1990s as a poet.


Ethan Gilsdorf began writing nonfiction in 2000 as a Paris-based freelance journalist.


Ethan Gilsdorf now writes about arts, culture, media and technology, and reviews books and films, for such publications as The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Wired, and Salon.


Ethan Gilsdorf was born in Dover, New Hampshire, in 1966, and was raised in the nearby town of Lee.


Ethan Gilsdorf read kids adventure books, and works of fantasy and science fiction, and was an avid fan of Star Wars, and Bugs Bunny, among other cultural touchstones.


Ethan Gilsdorf attended Oyster River High School in Durham, New Hampshire and graduated in 1984.


Ethan Gilsdorf has lived in Northampton and Amherst, Massachusetts; Brattleboro, Vermont; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Paris, France; Somerville, Massachusetts; and currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island.


Ethan Gilsdorf has published hundreds of articles and op-eds in dozens of other magazines, newspapers, websites and guidebooks worldwide, including Esquire, CNN, io9.


Ethan Gilsdorf specializes in immersive, participatory journalism, wherein he tries out things and reports back on them: being a pilgrim at Plimoth Plantation; re-enacting the world of Stranger Things and the 1980s; or mountain biking in the French Pyrenees.


Ethan Gilsdorf has contributed to several books, including the writing craft books Braving the Fire: A Guide to Writing About Grief and Loss; Create Your Writer Platform: The Key to Building an Audience, Selling More Books, and Finding Success as an Author; and the textbook Reading Culture: Contexts for Critical Reading and Writing.


Ethan Gilsdorf has contributed to Fodor's Paris; Fodor's France; and Time Out Paris Eating and Drinking.


Ethan Gilsdorf is the author of the travel memoir-pop culture investigation Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks: An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers of Imaginary Realms, published by Lyons Press in 2009.


Ethan Gilsdorf is one of the best of a new generation of poets emerging now, and should be read.


Ethan Gilsdorf's fiction has appeared in The Quarterly, among other publications.


Ethan Gilsdorf is co-founder of GrubStreet's Young Adult Writers Program, where he leads creative writing workshops for adults in journalism, travel writing and essay writing, and poetry, as well as book promotion and writing career planning.


Ethan Gilsdorf has taught creative writing and journalism at Louisiana State University, Emerson College, and Mediabistro.


Ethan Gilsdorf teaches writing in public schools and community centers in the Boston and Providence area.


Ethan Gilsdorf frequently appears on NPR stations such as WGBH, WBUR, and Wisconsin Public Radio, and has appeared on The Discovery Channel, PBS, CBC, BBC, the Learning Channel, the French TV network Arte, in documentary films, on podcasts, and has been interviewed by publications in the UK, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, France and other countries.


Ethan Gilsdorf has lectured at schools, universities, at film and book festivals, and at conventions and conferences worldwide, such as Harvard University, MIT, La Sorbonne, the New York Public Library and the Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival.


Ethan Gilsdorf speaks frequently at gaming and pop culture conventions such as Pax, Gen Con and DragonCon.


Ethan Gilsdorf is a regular presenter, performer, moderator and host for Mortified, Four Stories, the Harvard Book Store, and other venues.


Ethan Gilsdorf is a member of the Boston Book Festival Program Committee and the Boston Society of Film Critics.


Ethan Gilsdorf is on the Advisory Council of The Game Academy.


Ethan Gilsdorf has been awarded residencies at the Millay Colony for the Arts and Vermont Studio Center, and grants from the Somerville Arts Council and Vermont Arts Council.