17 Facts About Evangelista Torricelli


Evangelista Torricelli was an Italian physicist and mathematician, and a student of Galileo.


Evangelista Torricelli is best known for his invention of the barometer, but is known for his advances in optics and work on the method of indivisibles.


Evangelista Torricelli's family was from Faenza in the Province of Ravenna, then part of the Papal States.


Evangelista Torricelli's father was a textile worker and the family was very poor.


Evangelista Torricelli then entered young Torricelli into a Jesuit College in 1624, possibly the one in Faenza itself, to study mathematics and philosophy until 1626, by which time his father, Gaspare, had died.


Right before the appointment, Evangelista Torricelli was considering returning to Rome because of there being nothing left for him in Florence, where he had invented the barometer.


Evangelista Torricelli left all his belongings to his adopted son Alessandro.


In Faenza, a statue of Evangelista Torricelli was created in 1868 in gratitude for all that Evangelista Torricelli had done in advancing science during his short lifetime.


Evangelista Torricelli discovered a law, regarding the speed of a fluid flowing out of an opening, which was later shown to be a particular case of Bernoulli's principle.


Evangelista Torricelli found that water leaks out a small hole in the bottom of a container at a rate proportional to the square root of the depth of the water.


Evangelista Torricelli, following in his footsteps, discovered an important new principle, Evangelista Torricelli's principle, which says: if any number of bodies be so connected that, by their motion, their centre of gravity can neither ascend nor descend, then those bodies are in equilibrium.


Evangelista Torricelli studied projectiles and how they traveled through the air.


Evangelista Torricelli gave the first scientific description of the cause of wind:.


Evangelista Torricelli is famous for the discovery of the Evangelista Torricelli's trumpet whose surface area is infinite, but whose volume is finite.


Evangelista Torricelli tried several alternative proofs, attempting to prove that its surface area was finite - all of which failed.


Evangelista Torricelli was a pioneer in the area of infinite series.


Many 17th century mathematicians learned of the method through Evangelista Torricelli whose writing was more accessible than Cavalieri's.