The Factory Act specified that this should be done every working day within usual working hours but did not state how much time should be set aside for it.
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The Factory Act specified that this should be done every working day within usual working hours but did not state how much time should be set aside for it.
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Factory Act doubted whether shortening the hours of work would be injurious even to the interests of the manufacturers; as the children would be able, while they were employed, to pursue their occupation with greater vigour and activity.
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Factory Act failed to specify whether lunar or calendar months were intended where the word 'monthly' was used, and one clause limited hours of work per week where a daily limit had been intended.
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In 1835, the first report of the Factory Inspectors noted that the education clauses were totally impracticable, and relay working was difficult if not impracticable, there not being enough children.
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Factory Act complained of the evasive conduct of ministers and government apathy and complacency on factory reform.
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The Factory Bill provided that children were now not to work more than seven hours a day; if working before noon they couldn't work after one p m The education clauses of the 1839 Bill were retained.
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Indeed the education requirements of the 1833 Factory Act now came under attack, the Leeds Mercury declaring education was something individuals could do for themselves "under the guidance of natural instinct and self-interest, infinitely better than Government could do for them".
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Under the 1833 Factory Act millowners had used a 'relay system' so that the mill could operate all the permitted hours without any protected person exceeding their permitted workday.
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The 1833 Factory Act had hoped that two sets of children would be employed and each work a full half-day .
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Lord Ashley sought to remedy this by a short declaratory Factory Act restoring the status quo but felt it impossible to draft one which did not introduce fresh matter .
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Children were not covered by this Factory Act: it had been the deliberate intention of the 1833 Factory Act that a mill might use two sets of children on a relay system and the obvious method of doing so did not require split shifts.
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The 1844 Factory Act had required that "mill gearing" – which included power shafts – should be securely fenced.
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In 1864 the Factories Extension Factory Act was passed: this extended the Factories Factory Act to cover a number of occupations : potteries, lucifer match making percussion cap and cartridge making, paper staining and fustian cutting.
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The new Factory Act should include workplaces in the open air, and carrying, washing and cleaning; however mines and agriculture should be excluded.
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Factory Act excluded domestic workshops carrying out straw-plait making, pillow lace making or glove-making and empowered the Home Secretary to extend this exemption.
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The Factory Act excluded domestic workshops involving non-strenuous work carried out intermittently and not providing the principal source of income of the family.
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The Factory Act gave the Home Secretary some latitude to vary the requirements for specific industries to accommodate existing practices where these were not detrimental to the underlying purpose of the Factory Act.
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TUC had few complaints about the Factory Act, but complained that the inspectorate enforcing it was too small and lacking in 'practical men'.
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The chief provisions of the last Factory Act are hung up, legibly printed on white cardboard, "plain for all men to see", in every room of every factory.
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The range of Factory Legislation has, in fact, in one country or another, become co-extensive with the conditions of industrial employment.
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Factory Act commented on the gradual way this transformation had been achieved.
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