22 Facts About Gabriel Lippmann


Jonas Ferdinand Gabriel Lippmann was a Franco-Luxembourgish physicist and inventor, and Nobel laureate in physics for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference.


Gabriel Lippmann was born in Bonnevoie, Luxembourg, on 16 August 1845.


In 1848, the family moved to Paris where Lippmann was initially tutored by his mother, Miriam Rose, before attending the Lycee Napoleon.


Gabriel Lippmann was said to have been a rather inattentive but thoughtful pupil with a special interest in mathematics.


Gabriel Lippmann then returned to Paris in 1875, where he continued to study until 1878, when he became professor of physics at the Sorbonne.


Gabriel Lippmann made several important contributions to various branches of physics over the years.


Above all, Gabriel Lippmann is remembered as the inventor of a method for reproducing colours by photography, based on the interference phenomenon, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1908.


In 1886, Gabriel Lippmann's interest turned to a method of fixing the colours of the solar spectrum on a photographic plate.


Gabriel Lippmann presented his theory of colour photography using the interference method in two papers to the Academy, one in 1894, the other in 1906.


Gabriel Lippmann made use of this phenomenon by projecting an image onto a special photographic plate capable of recording detail smaller than the wavelengths of visible light.


In practice, the Gabriel Lippmann process was not easy to use.


Gabriel Lippmann's process foreshadowed laser holography, which is based on recording standing waves in a photographic medium.


In 1908, Gabriel Lippmann introduced what he called "integral photography", in which a plane array of closely spaced, small, spherical lenses is used to photograph a scene, recording images of the scene as it appears from many slightly different horizontal and vertical locations.


When Gabriel Lippmann presented the theoretical foundations of his "integral photography" in March 1908, it was impossible to accompany them with concrete results.


In 1895, Gabriel Lippmann evolved a method of eliminating the personal equation in measurements of time, using photographic registration, and he studied the eradication of irregularities of pendulum clocks, devising a method of comparing the times of oscillation of two pendulums of nearly equal period.


Gabriel Lippmann invented the coelostat, an astronomical tool that compensated for the Earth's rotation and allowed a region of the sky to be photographed without apparent movement.


Gabriel Lippmann was a member of the Academy of Sciences from 8 February 1886 until his death, serving as its president in 1912.


Gabriel Lippmann became a member of the Societe francaise de photographie in 1892 and its president from 1896 to 1899.


Gabriel Lippmann was one of the founders of the Institut d'optique theorique et appliquee in France.


In Luxembourg City an Institute for fundamental scientific research was named after Lippmann which merged on 1 January 2015 with another major research centre to form the new Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology.


Gabriel Lippmann married the daughter of the novelist Victor Cherbuliez in 1888.


Gabriel Lippmann died on 13 July 1921 aboard the steamer France while en route from Canada.