11 Facts About Gaston Thorn


Gaston Egmond Thorn was a Luxembourg politician who served in a number of high-profile positions, both domestically and internationally.


Gaston Thorn entered politics in 1959, representing the liberal Democratic Party.


Gaston Thorn was a member of the European Parliament from 1959 to 1969.


Gaston Thorn was Chairman of the Democratic Party from 1962 to 1969.


Gaston Thorn was President of the United Nations General Assembly from 1975 to 1976 for its 30th session.


Gaston Thorn was the head of government even though his party had fewer seats in the legislature than their coalition partner.


In 1980 Gaston Thorn was chosen as President of the Commission of the European Communities, in succession to Roy Jenkins.

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However, as EC President, Gaston Thorn did manage to reach agreement on a common fisheries policy, and laid the basis for Portugal and Spain joining the European Community.


Gaston Thorn was chairman of Luxembourg's largest media company CLT, and president of the Banque Internationale a Luxembourg from 1985 to 1999.


Gaston Thorn remained active in international and political affairs, as President of the International European Movement and as a member of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg conference and of the Jean Monnet Committee.


Gaston Thorn was married to Liliane Thorn-Petit, a journalist, with whom he had one son.