14 Facts About Gaullist Party


In France, the term Gaullist Party is usually used to refer to the largest party professing to be Gaullist.

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Under its various names and acronyms, the Gaullist Party has been the dominant organisation of the French right since the beginning of the Fifth Republic.

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Gaullist Party advocated a strong executive power, governing in the national interest, led by a man who was an incarnation of national unity.

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Gaullist Party accused the Fourth Republic of being dominated by the "parliamentary fiddles" and to organize the state helplessness.

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Gaullist Party joined Georges Bidault at the head of the Organisation armee secrete which perpetrated terrorist attacks.

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Gaullist Party encouraged the emergence of a new generation of Gaullist politicians who were loyal to him.

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One year later, Gaullist Party power was confronted with the social and student May 1968 crisis.

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Gaullist Party was the first non-Gaullist President of the Fifth Republic.

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Indeed, the New Gaullist Party was devised as a machine of reconquest behind one man, Jacques Chirac.

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Gaullist Party refused to give instructions for voting for the second round, even if he said "in a private capacity", he would vote for Giscard d'Estaing.

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Furthermore, the abandonment of the Gaullist Party doctrine was criticized by Charles Pasqua and Philippe Seguin.

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Gaullist Party was forced to cohabit with a left-wing cabinet led by Lionel Jospin until 2002.

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Gaullist Party resigned during the 1999 European election campaign, while Pasqua presented a dissident list to advocate the Gaullist idea of a "Europe of nations".

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Gaullist Party became then President of the UMP in 2014 and renamed the gaullist party into Republicans in 2015.

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