10 Facts About Geet Sethi


Geet Siriram Sethi was born on 17 April 1961 and of India is a professional player of English billiards who dominated the sport throughout much of the 1990s.


Geet Sethi is a five-time winner of the professional-level and a three-time winner of the amateur world championships, and holder of two world records, in English billiards.


Geet Sethi rose to international prominence by winning the IBSF World Amateur Billiards Championships in 1985, versus Bob Marshall in an eight-hour-long final round.


Geet Sethi has never placed in the top snooker world rankings, however.


Geet Sethi is the only person in the history of cue-sports to have scored a maximum in competitive snooker and a 1000+ break in competitive billiards.


Geet Sethi went on to win the title again in 1993,1995,1998, and 2006.


Geet Sethi has been described as an "arch-rival" of Mike Russell of England, an eight-time English billiards World Champion, and each of them had defeated the other for the title, with Russell victorious in 1996, and Sethi the winner in 1998, as of their next encounter at the 2007 event.


Geet Sethi won gold and silver medals in doubles and singles English billiards respectively at the 13th Asian Games.


Geet Sethi won silver and bronze medals in doubles and singles English billiards respectively at the 14th Asian Games.


Geet Sethi has announced plans to compete in the Olympic Games for India when cue sports are finally admitted as Olympic sports.