12 Facts About General topology


In mathematics, general topology is the branch of topology that deals with the basic set-theoretic definitions and constructions used in topology.

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General topology grew out of a number of areas, most importantly the following:.

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Base B for a topological space X with topology T is a collection of open sets in T such that every open set in T can be written as a union of elements of B We say that the base generates the topology T Bases are useful because many properties of topologies can be reduced to statements about a base that generates that topology—and because many topologies are most easily defined in terms of a base that generates them.

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The set of all open intervals forms a base or basis for the General topology, meaning that every open set is a union of some collection of sets from the base.

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Possible topologies on a fixed set X are partially ordered: a General topology t1 is said to be coarser than another General topology t2 if every open subset with respect to t1 is open with respect to t2.

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Product General topology on X is the General topology generated by sets of the form pi, where i is in I and U is an open subset of Xi.

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In other words, the sets {pi} form a subbase for the topology on X A subset of X is open if and only if it is a union of intersections of finitely many sets of the form pi.

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Pointless General topology is an approach to General topology that avoids mentioning points.

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The ideas of pointless General topology are closely related to mereotopologies, in which regions are treated as foundational without explicit reference to underlying point sets.

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Dimension theory is a branch of general topology dealing with dimensional invariants of topological spaces.

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In General topology and related areas of mathematics, a metrizable space is a topological space that is homeomorphic to a metric space.

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Set-theoretic topology is a subject that combines set theory and general topology.

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