22 Facts About Geoff Keighley


Geoff Keighley is a Canadian video game journalist and television presenter.


Geoff Keighley was most known for hosting the video game show GameTrailers TV, and for co-hosting the now-defunct G4tv.


Geoff Keighley was the executive producer of the Spike Video Game Awards, and has served as the executive producer and host of The Game Awards since its inaugural show in 2014.


Geoff Keighley has hosted the E3 Coliseum event at the Electronic Entertainment Expo.


Geoff Keighley was born in 1978 and grew up in suburban Toronto.


Geoff Keighley was fourteen at the time, but, though his father's connections, was brought in to help write lines for the celebrity hosts to read.


Geoff Keighley entered into the University of Southern California in 1997 to obtain a business degree.


Geoff Keighley had been able to get access to some of the behind the scenes at Epic Games as he had been friends with Epic's co-founder Mark Rein during his youth in Toronto.


Around this time in 2002, Geoff Keighley began writing articles for Entertainment Weekly and Fortune, and was brought as a co-host of The Electric Playground alongside Tommy Tallarico by the show's creator Victor Lucas.


Geoff Keighley was involved in other video game-related projects on television.


Geoff Keighley was interviewed on what became a controversial Fox News segment on Mass Effect, and was later praised by gamers online for being the only one on the show who had actually played the game.


Geoff Keighley had come under some negative perception by gamers in 2012 after he was presenting information about Halo 4 while sitting among stands advertising Mountain Dew and Doritos products.


Several people critiqued this presentation as a sign of a lack of journalism standards, and the scenario became known as "Doritosgate" within the gaming community while Geoff Keighley was derogatorly called "Doritos Pope".


Geoff Keighley is one of the most prominent games journalists in the world.


Geoff Keighley will be sitting there forever, in our minds.


Geoff Keighley was invited by the producers of Spike's Video Game Awards program to help with the programming from 2006 onward.


Geoff Keighley thus established The Game Awards which were first presented in December 2014, and which Geoff Keighley remains the primary host.


In December 2016, Geoff Keighley was picked as a judge for the Viveport Developer Awards.


Geoff Keighley had been a participant of E3, the annual video game trade show, since its start, and starting in E3 2017, Geoff Keighley had arranged and hosted the E3 Coliseum, a live-streaming event running over the course of E3 that brought in developers and publishers at E3 for interviews and other discussions.


However, with the Entertainment Software Association making significant changes to the format of E3 2020, Geoff Keighley stated he will not be organizing an E3 Coliseum event nor attending the show for the first time in 25 years.


Geoff Keighley appeared as a holographic character in the game Death Stranding.


Geoff Keighley had a brief cameo role in The Matrix Resurrections, as a game awards presenter.