30 Facts About Geoffrey Hinton


Geoffrey Everest Hinton was born on 6 December 1947 and is a British-Canadian cognitive psychologist and computer scientist, most noted for his work on artificial neural networks.


Geoffrey Hinton received the 2018 Turing Award, together with Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun, for their work on deep learning.


Geoffrey Hinton was educated at King's College, Cambridge, graduating in 1970 with a bachelor of arts in experimental psychology.


Geoffrey Hinton continued his study at the University of Edinburgh where he was awarded a PhD in artificial intelligence in 1978 for research supervised by Christopher Longuet-Higgins.


Geoffrey Hinton was the founding director of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation Computational Neuroscience Unit at University College London and is currently a professor in the computer science department at the University of Toronto.


Geoffrey Hinton taught a free online course on Neural Networks on the education platform Coursera in 2012.


Geoffrey Hinton joined Google in March 2013 when his company, DNNresearch Inc.


Geoffrey Hinton has written or co-written more than 200 peer reviewed publications.


In 2007, Geoffrey Hinton coauthored an unsupervised learning paper titled Unsupervised learning of image transformations.


In October and November 2017 respectively, Geoffrey Hinton published two open access research papers on the theme of capsule neural networks, which according to Geoffrey Hinton, are "finally something that works well".


In May 2023, Geoffrey Hinton publicly announced his resignation from Google.


Geoffrey Hinton was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1998.


Geoffrey Hinton was the first winner of the Rumelhart Prize in 2001.


Geoffrey E Hinton is internationally distinguished for his work on artificial neural nets, especially how they can be designed to learn without the aid of a human teacher.


Geoffrey Hinton has compared effects of brain damage with effects of losses in such a net, and found striking similarities with human impairment, such as for recognition of names and losses of categorisation.


Geoffrey Hinton's work includes studies of mental imagery, and inventing puzzles for testing originality and creative intelligence.


Geoffrey Hinton brings these skills together with striking effect to produce important work of great interest.


In 2001, Geoffrey Hinton was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Edinburgh.


Geoffrey Hinton was the 2005 recipient of the IJCAI Award for Research Excellence lifetime-achievement award.


Geoffrey Hinton has been awarded the 2011 Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering.


In 2013, Geoffrey Hinton was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Universite de Sherbrooke.


Geoffrey Hinton has won the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Information and Communication Technologies category "for his pioneering and highly influential work" to endow machines with the ability to learn.


Together with Yann LeCun, and Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton won the 2018 Turing Award for conceptual and engineering breakthroughs that have made deep neural networks a critical component of computing.


On early May 2023, Geoffrey Hinton revealed in an interview with BBC that AI might soon surpass the information capacity of the human brain.


Geoffrey Hinton described some of the risks posed by these chatbots as "quite scary".


Geoffrey Hinton explained that chatbots have the ability to learn independently and share knowledge.


In particular, Geoffrey Hinton says "we have to think hard about how to control" AI systems capable of self-improvement.


Geoffrey Hinton moved from the US to Canada in part due to disillusionment with Ronald Reagan-era politics and disapproval of military funding of artificial intelligence.


Geoffrey Hinton is the great-great-grandson of the mathematician and educator Mary Everest Boole and her husband, the logician George Boole, whose work eventually became one of the foundations of modern computer science.


Geoffrey Hinton is the nephew of the economist Colin Clark.