16 Facts About George Runner


In 1992, George Runner was elected to the Lancaster City Council.


In 1996, George Runner was elected to represent the 36th Assembly District and served in the State Assembly for three terms, from 1996 to 2002.


George Runner served as Vice Chair of the Senate Banking, Finance, and Insurance Committee, Vice Chair of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee, and as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee, and the Senate Select Committee on Defense and Aerospace Industries.


In 2002, George Runner authored California's AMBER Alert system, which has successfully utilized the Emergency Alert System to involve the general public in the search for abducted children and has aided in numerous successful parent-child reunions.


In 2006, along with his wife, then-Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, George Runner authored Proposition 83, California's version of Jessica's Law.


On February 3,2010, George Runner introduced SB 944, the nation's first Ronald Reagan Day legislation.


In 2010, George Runner authored California's Blue Alert system, which authorizes the California Highway Patrol to use the Emergency Alert System when a peace officer has been killed, seriously wounded, or assaulted with a deadly weapon.


Since 2009, George Runner has served with Americans for Prosperity as a taxpayer advocate on local tax issues in California.


In February 2009, George Runner announced his candidacy for the District 2 seat on the Board of Equalization.


George Runner won the Republican nomination for BOE after defeating Assemblyman Alan Nakanishi and incumbent BOE Member Barbara Alby in the June 2010 primary.


George Runner is the first person to defeat an incumbent BOE member's reelection bid since 1978 and only the fifth person to do so in California history.


George Runner won the November 2010 general election for the seat, defeating Democrat tax attorney Chris Parker.


Alby inexplicably resigned on December 31,2010, four days before George Runner was to be sworn in.


George Runner is a leader in the fight against the state's controversial fire tax; he supports a class action lawsuit that seeks to overturn the tax and return millions of dollars back to taxpayers.


In February 2014, George Runner announced that he would seek re-election to a second term, citing early endorsements from Congressman and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Association of Highway Patrolmen, CDF Firefighters, among others.


George Runner succeeded him as the 36th District Assemblymember in 2002.