14 Facts About GIF


GIF images are compressed using the Lempel–Ziv–Welch lossless data compression technique to reduce the file size without degrading the visual quality.

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CompuServe encouraged the adoption of GIF by providing downloadable conversion utilities for many computers.

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GIF was one of the first two image formats commonly used on Web sites, the other being the black-and-white XBM.

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Conceptually, a GIF file describes a fixed-sized graphical area populated with zero or more "images".

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Many GIF files have a single image that fills the entire logical screen.

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CompuServe Unisys

GIF files start with a fixed-length header giving the version, followed by a fixed-length Logical Screen Descriptor giving the pixel dimensions and other characteristics of the logical screen.

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Additionally, not all GIF rendering programs handle tiled or layered images correctly.

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Uncompressed GIF can be a useful intermediate format for a graphics programmer because individual pixels are accessible for reading or painting.

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The GIF standard allows such extra CLEAR codes to be inserted in the image data at any time.

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GIF Specification allows each image within the logical screen of a GIF file to specify that it is interlaced; i e, that the order of the raster lines in its data block is not sequential.

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Each frame in an animation GIF is introduced by its own GCE specifying the time delay to wait after the frame is drawn.

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Unisys became aware that the version of GIF used the LZW compression technique and entered into licensing negotiations with CompuServe in January 1993.

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Unisys stated that they expected all major commercial on-line information services companies employing the LZW patent to license the technology from Unisys at a reasonable rate, but that they would not require licensing, or fees to be paid, for non-commercial, non-profit GIF-based applications, including those for use on the on-line services.

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Complete support for GIF is complicated chiefly by the complex canvas structure it allows, though this is what enables the compact animation features.

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