11 Facts About Gilbert Stork


Gilbert Stork is known for making significant contributions to the total synthesis of natural products, including a lifelong fascination with the synthesis of quinine.


Gilbert Stork was an accomplished mentor of young chemists and many of his students have gone on to make significant contributions in their own right.


Gilbert Stork was born in the Ixelles municipality of Brussels, Belgium on December 31,1921.


Gilbert Stork's family had Jewish origins, although Gilbert himself didn't recall them being religiously active.


Gilbert Stork studied for a Bachelor of Science at the University of Florida, from 1940 to 1942.


The steak began to degrade and to dispose of it Gilbert Stork put it in a hot acid bath used to clean glassware which contained nitric and sulphuric acids.


Gilbert Stork was then concerned he would produce nitroglycerine due to the glycerine in the steak and the presence of nitric and sulphuric acids.


Professor Gilbert Stork received a number of awards and honors including the following:.


The inaugural Gilbert Stork Lecture was held in his honor in 2014 at his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Gilbert Stork named lecture series are held at other institutions, including Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania, as a result of his endowments.


Gilbert Stork was feted for his sense of humor and colorful personality by historian of chemistry Jeffrey I Seeman who published a collection of "Storkisms".