11 Facts About Glynn Edwards


Glynn Edwards's father, who spent little time with his son, was a rubber planter at the time of his birth and died in 1946.


Glynn Edwards's mother died shortly after his birth and he was raised first by his grandparents in Southsea, Hampshire, and then by his father and stepmother, who ran a pub in Salisbury, Wiltshire.


Glynn Edwards received his early formal education at Clayesmore School in Dorset.


Glynn Edwards trained professionally as an actor with Joan Littlewood's Theatre Workshopat the Theatre Royal, Stratford East, appearing in its productions of The Good Soldier Svejk and two plays by Brendan Behan, The Quare Fellow and The Hostage, all of which transferred from the Theatre Royal Stratford East to the West End.


Glynn Edwards appeared in that company's production of Lionel Bart's musical version of Frank Norman's play Fings Ain't Wot They Used T'Be, opposite Miriam Karlin and Barbara Windsor.


Glynn Edwards had been spotted by Littlewood herself, who had been in the audience at one of the performances of a successful play he had produced entitled The Call of the Flesh, which featured Yootha Joyce in an early role.


Glynn Edwards appeared in bit parts in numerous British television shows in the 1970s and '80s, including Callan, The Professionals, Public Eye, Spindoe, Steptoe and Son, Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, Dixon of Dock Green, Man About the House, Softly, Softly and The Saint.


Glynn Edwards was a regular in two series of the ITV legal drama The Main Chance.


Glynn Edwards played supporting roles in the cinema films Robbery, and the criminal underworld film Get Carter.


Glynn Edwards retired from acting following the end of Minder in 1994, and in his final years divided his time between living in Spain and Scotland.


Glynn Edwards died at his home in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 23 May 2018 at the age of 87.