25 Facts About Golo Mann


Golo Mann followed his father, the writer Thomas Mann and other members of his family in emigrating to France, Switzerland and the United States.


Golo Mann had an elder sister, Erika Mann, an elder brother, Klaus Mann, and three younger siblings, Monika, Elisabeth and Michael.


New horizons appeared to open in 1923, when Golo Mann entered the Schule Schloss Salem, a famously spartan boarding school where he was joined by his sister Monika, near Lake Constance.


Golo Mann felt liberated from home, enjoyed the new educational approach, and developed an enduring passion for hiking.


Yet in 1925 Golo Mann suffered a mental crisis that overshadowed the rest of his life.


Golo Mann used the summer of 1928 to learn French in Paris and to get to know "real work" during six weeks in a coal mine in Lower Lusatia, abruptly stopping because of new knee injuries.


At last Golo Mann entered the University of Heidelberg in spring 1929.


Golo Mann nevertheless found time to join a Social-Democratic Party student group in the autumn of 1930.


Golo Mann looked after the family house in Munich in April 1933, helped his three younger siblings leave the country and brought the greater part of his parents' savings via Karlsruhe and the German embassy in Paris to Switzerland.


On 31 May 1933, Golo Mann left Germany for the French town of Bandol near Toulon.


Golo Mann spent the summer at the mansion of the American travel writer William Seabrook near Sanary-sur-Mer and lived six further weeks at the new family house in Kusnacht near Zurich.


In November 1935, Golo Mann accepted a call from the University of Rennes to lecture on German language and literature.


Early in 1939, Golo Mann traveled to Princeton, New Jersey, where his father worked as guest professor.


Golo Mann nevertheless kept a job as civil control officer, watching the war crimes trials at Nuremberg in this capacity.


In 1956 and 1957, Golo Mann spent many weeks at the tavern Zur Krone at Altnau on the shores of Lake Constance, writing his German History of the 19th and 20th century.


In early years of the Federal Republic, Golo Mann praised Konrad Adenauer for his policy of seeking reconciliation and integration with France and alliance with the United States.


Golo Mann called the terrorist activities of the Red Army Faction "a new development in the phenomenon of civil war".


Golo Mann foresaw the reputational loss of embracing Strauss, a figure who, since the Spiegel Affair in 1962 had been a bete noir of liberal and left opinion.


In one of his last interviews, with Die Welt in 1991, Golo Mann again alarmed his more liberal readers and colleagues by calling for restrictions on the constitutional provision for political asylum.


Golo Mann was critical of what he regarded as the Left's obsession with Vergangenheitsbewaltigung.


Beck-Golo Mann was a pharmacist he got to know in 1955 and supported financially in his studies.


Golo Mann immediately started work at a sequel that was never finished.


Golo Mann devoted his time to translating into German the work of the dark and picaresque Spanish novelist Pio Baroja.


Golo Mann was surrounded by a group of young Spanish-language enthusiasts, some of whom have become notable in their field.


In March 1990, Golo Mann had a heart attack after a public lecture.