14 Facts About Green Knight


Green Knight is a character from the 14th-century Arthurian poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the related medieval work The Greene Knight.

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In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Bertilak is transformed into the Green Knight by Morgan le Fay, a traditional adversary of King Arthur, in order to test his court.

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In Sir Gawain, the Green Knight is so called because his skin and clothes are green.

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At first, Arthur accepts the challenge, but Gawain takes his place and decapitates the Green Knight, who retrieves his head, reattaches it and tells Gawain to meet him at the Green Chapel at the stipulated time.

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Green Knight then reveals that he is Bertilak, and that Morgan le Fay had given him the double identity to test Gawain and Arthur.

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Green Knight agrees because he knows his wife is secretly in love with Gawain, and hopes to deceive both.

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Green Knight offers to help Arthur fight a mysterious sprite which has entered his chamber.

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The Green Knight parallel in these stories is a King testing a knight as to whether or not he will remain chaste in extreme circumstances.

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Critics have claimed that the Green Knight's role emphasises the environment outside of human habitation.

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Green Knight is known to have signified witchcraft, devilry and evil for its association with the fairies and spirits of early English folklore and for its association with decay and toxicity.

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Green Knight is compared to the English holiday figure Jack in the green.

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The final meeting at the Green Chapel has caused many scholars to draw religious connections, with the Knight fulfilling a priestly role with Gawain as a penitent.

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Chapel is considered by Gawain as an evil place: foreboding, "the most accursed church", "the place for the Devil to recite matins"; but when the mysterious Green Knight allows Gawain to live, Gawain immediately assumes the role of penitent to a priest or judge, as in a genuine church.

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The Green Knight Chapel is thought to be in either Lud's Church or Wetton Mill, as these areas closely match the descriptions given by the author.

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