13 Facts About Greg Mitchell


Greg Mitchell was born on 1947 and is an American author and journalist who has written twelve non-fiction books on United States politics and history of the 20th and 21st centuries.


Greg Mitchell co-produced the acclaimed 2014 film documentary "Following the Ninth," about the political and cultural influence of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.


Greg Mitchell was born in 1947 in Upstate New York.


Greg Mitchell first worked in journalism as a summer intern for the Niagara Falls Gazette.


From his first marriage Greg Mitchell has a daughter Jeni, who lives in London.


Greg Mitchell wrote about their experiences in Little League baseball in his memoir Joy in Mudville.


Greg Mitchell served as editor of Nuclear Times magazine from 1982 to 1986.


Greg Mitchell has written numerous articles about the atomic bombings during World War II, published in magazines and newspapers including The New York Times and the Washington Post.


Greg Mitchell is co-author with Robert Jay Lifton of Hiroshima in America: A Half Century of Denial on the perceptions in the United States of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.


Greg Mitchell has written two books about notable California political campaigns: The Campaign of the Century examined Upton Sinclair's race for governor in 1934 and the birth of media-driven elections.


In 2003 and 2004, Greg Mitchell wrote and spoke about issues in journalistic integrity.


Greg Mitchell wrote that he and other journalists learn from their mistakes.


Greg Mitchell writes a regular Substack newsletter on music and politics, Between Rock and a Hard Place.