11 Facts About Guillermo Calvo


Guillermo Antonio Calvo was born on 1941 and is an Argentine-American economist who is director of Columbia University's mid-career Program in Economic Policy Management in their School of International and Public Affairs.


Guillermo Calvo published significant research in macroeconomics, especially monetary economics and the economics of emerging markets and transition economies.


Guillermo Calvo is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.


Guillermo Calvo was professor of economics at Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania, and distinguished university professor at the University of Maryland.


Guillermo Calvo was senior advisor in the Research Department of the IMF, and afterwards advised several governments in Latin America and Eastern Europe.


Guillermo Calvo showed his commitment to narrowing the gap between academic and practitioners by splitting his time between academia and international financial institutions.


Guillermo Calvo's work aims at incorporating financial sector issues in macroeconomic models and emphasizes the role of external factors in EMs.


Guillermo Calvo's research has helped to highlight factors that received renewed attention in the context of the subprime crisis.


Guillermo Calvo has published several books and over 100 journal articles.


In contrast with the Kydland-Prescott paper, Guillermo Calvo's starts from standard micro-foundations in a Patinkin-Sidrauski economy.


An advantage of Guillermo Calvo's approach is that it highlights the relevance of central banks' ability to communicate with the public and the importance of getting strong support from the rest of the government and political apparatus, even though individuals are fully rational.