11 Facts About Hamilton Holt


Hamilton Holt was an American educator, editor, author and politician.


Hamilton Holt's father was an attorney who was eventually appointed to the federal judiciary.


Hamilton Holt graduated from Yale University in 1894 and completed graduate work in economics and sociology at Columbia University in Manhattan, New York City three years later.


Hamilton Holt served as editor and publisher of the liberal weekly magazine The Independent in New York from 1897 to 1921.


Hamilton Holt was an outspoken advocate for reform, prohibition, immigrant rights, and international peace.


In 1909 Hamilton Holt was a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.


Hamilton Holt served on the executive committee of the League to Enforce Peace and was the first Executive Director of the endowment fund of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, established to support individuals and groups working to advance the cause of international peace.

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In 1924 Hamilton Holt unsuccessfully ran for the US Senate from Connecticut as a Democrat.


In 1925, Hamilton Holt became President of Rollins College and served in that capacity until 1949.


Hamilton Holt advocated a policy whereby the student body could approve or disapprove of faculty hirings, and inaugurated the Walk of Fame.


Hamilton Holt died on April 26,1951, at the Day-Kimball Hospital in Putnam, Connecticut.