63 Facts About Hank Hill


Hank Rutherford Hill was born on April 15,1953 and is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the Fox animated television series King of the Hill.


When Mike Judge submitted the pilot script and drawings for King of the Hill to the Fox network, network executives advised him that Hank Hill should be younger than 49 years old, as Judge had described the character.


Hank Hill has been compared to Tom Anderson, the "disapproving old man" who is a neighbor of the title characters on Judge's earlier series Beavis and Butt-Head.


Hank Hill was born at Yankee Stadium in The Bronx, New York.


Hank Hill's mother told him she gave birth to Hank in the women's restroom at Yankee Stadium during Cotton's failed attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro during a rare American visit.


Hank Hill, who previously thought he was an only child, finds out he has a Japanese half brother named Junichiro in the episode "Returning Japanese".


Also, in the episode "Hank Gets Dusted", Hank is shown to be the cousin of ZZ Top bassist and vocalist Dusty Hill.


Hank Hill is set in his ways and afraid of taking risks, but generally a good person.


Hank Hill can be pushed too far on occasion, usually by his son, Bobby, and neighbors Bill Dauterive, Dale Gribble, and, Boomhauer.


Ultimately, Hank Hill cares for the people around him, particularly his family and friends and is always out to do what is right.


One characteristic that Hank Hill shows is when he lies to someone, he turns his head or looks around the room.


Hank Hill is a known workaholic and workplace overachiever who sells "propane and propane accessories" as an assistant manager at the fictional Strickland Propane, a local propane dealership.


Hank Hill even went into work when his hero Tom Landry died.


Hank Hill was briefly promoted to manager by Buck Strickland while helping Buck rebuild a house for Habitat for Humanity as part of Buck's community service after a drunk driving conviction, before being demoted again after he blurted out "I love you" to Buck.


Hank Hill won the Propane Salesman of the Year Award for three years, as well as the prestigious Blue Flame of Valor Award.


Hank Hill loves his job very much, but throughout the series always makes a big deal out of it when his closest friends and even family find his occupation boring and somewhat useless and even find his obsession with propane odd.


Hank Hill even feigns an interest in Bobby's passions such as prop comedy and theatre.


Hank Hill is relieved when his Laotian-American neighbor Kahn Souphanousinphone tells him that he caught Bobby and Connie taking their clothes off since, up until that time, Hank Hill was uncertain of Bobby's interest in girls.


Hank Hill suffers from a fictional genetic disorder called Diminished Gluteal Syndrome.


Hank Hill was a running back and led the league in rushing.


Hank Hill had a promising career until he snapped his ankle in the state championship.


Hank Hill gives great love and affection to his lawn and his bloodhound, Ladybird.


In one episode, Peggy is bitter for throwing a special birthday party for Ladybird but not for herself, where it is implied in some episodes she believes Hank Hill spends more time with Ladybird and being house proud than he does with her, as suggested in another episode where he mourns over his sub-par lawn compared to his neighbors, remarking.


Hank Hill's idol is Outlaw Country singer Willie Nelson, and he plays a 1963 Guild Solid Top acoustic guitar named Betsy in his Bluegrass band.


Hank Hill considers his cousin Dusty's band ZZ Top to be a family shame.


Hank Hill appears to have a soft spot for Foreigner, as on Luanne's 21st birthday he put "I Want to Know What Love Is" on the jukebox six times in a row.


Hank Hill took a slight interest in boyband music namely due to their lack of explicit lyrics compared to obscenity-filled rap and failing to understand the demographic the music was meant for.


Hank Hill believes passionately in hard work, honesty, tradition, responsibility, and convention ; and is a proud Texan and American always trying his best to see others, regardless of culture, for their personal character.


Hank Hill is a highly respected authority among his friends and family, who often seek his help and advice, knowing that he will always advocate doing the right thing in the right way.


Hank Hill is against charcoal, butane and the use of propane alternatives.


Hank Hill believes that propane is the best source of fuel and is known to try to "convert" people to propane use.


One of Hank Hill's most treasured hobbies is the care he takes over his lawn.


Just as Hank Hill is about to attack him to a physical fight in payback for ruining his lawn, Dale redeems himself by saving Bobby from the fire ants, who attacked him for confining them.


In only one episode did Hank Hill purposely allow his lawn to die; when water restrictions and a drought forced Hank Hill to run for public office on a platform opposing the city water policy which wasted more water than it saved.


Hank Hill later discovered Kahn was bribing the water department employee to keep his lawn green and Bobby blackmailed him to keep Hank's lawn from dying.


Hank Hill has states that he has held back "tender feelings" towards his family in order to focus on the lawn.


Hank Hill is a noted do it yourself enthusiast and prides himself on homeownership, to the point where he completely distrusts repairmen and refuses initially to call them during times of crisis, even during a few incidents where he was unable to solve the problem on his own.


Hank Hill is skilled in home repair, lawn and garden and automotive repair.


Hank Hill meticulously obeys virtually every building code in the city ordinance.


Hank Hill gets a great deal of joy engaging in home repair and his level of skill was repeatedly shown to exceed that of workmen he employed.


Hank Hill is a huge fan of football, being a former player himself.


Hank Hill is a long-time fan of the Dallas Cowboys, but later allows himself to be a fan of the Houston Texans because they play in a different conference and wouldn't play the Cowboys unless it was in an all-Texas Super Bowl.


Hank Hill follows baseball as a fan of the Texas Rangers, although in "Meet The Manger Babies", he stated that he would rather miss a baseball game than the Super Bowl to help Luanne with her puppet show.


Hank Hill once converted his back yard into a putting green.


Hank Hill is critical of soccer, claiming to Bobby "I didn't think I ever needed to tell you this, but I would be a bad parent if I didn't; soccer was invented by European ladies to keep them busy while their husbands did the cooking".


Hank Hill has briefly worked at Mega-Lo Mart as a propane salesman trainee after Mega-Lo Mart drove Strickland Propane out of business.


Hank Hill is for the most part an outspoken conservative.


Hank Hill considers his wife his best friend and feels that physically punishing children is wrong; he is verbally strict, but not directly abusive.


Hank Hill has shown to have chiroptophobia, the fear of bats.


Hank Hill is portrayed as having traditional family values and he is shown to be uncomfortable with hiring a woman to work at Strickland because she was believed to be too attractive, even though she was overqualified; instead, he hired a man for shallowly expressing a fondness for the Dallas Cowboys and a blatantly fraudulent adoration for propane.


Hank Hill even goes as far as to defend hippies, something he seemed somewhat ashamed to do; nevertheless, he agreed with them on the superior flavor of some natural and organic food.


Hank Hill has been shown to have fairly tolerant views on other religions.


Hank Hill has some environmentalist leanings, once lamenting about air pollution in Houston, opposing the building of McMansions, and running for city council on a platform of removing low-flow toilets, in part, because they wasted more water than they saved.


Hank Hill got the see-no-evil parents of a youngster who was bullying him to exert discipline by having Bobby behave exactly like their son toward them.


Hank Hill can be gullible, as for 25 years he bought vehicles at sticker price from Tom Hammond's dealership, thinking they were a great deal and Hammond was a true friend.


Hank Hill has been tricked because of his relative ignorance concerning drugs or subcultures.


Hank Hill once introduced a woman named Tammy Duvall, who later turned out to be a prostitute, to several business associates, she gifted him with a feather-tipped hat while driving his father's vintage Cadillac leading to the community to thinking that he was a pimp much to his horror.


In gratitude, Hank Hill stumbled off to a tattoo parlor and paid to have Bill's name inked onto his chest before passing out.


Hank Hill had the name removed out of disgust, but eventually had a jailhouse tattoo of it put on to show Bill that the two were still friends.


Hank Hill thinks that Texas is superior to all other states in the USor at least Hollywood.


Hank Hill never professes an explicit party loyalty, and he and his buddies who sip beer in the alley don't talk like their fellow Texan Tom DeLay.


Hank Hill was the first "non-human" to make the list.


Besides King of the Hill, Hank has made cameos on other shows, including:.