23 Facts About Harry Browne


Harry Edson Browne was an American writer, politician, and investment advisor.


Harry Browne was the Libertarian Party's Presidential nominee in the US elections of 1996 and 2000.


Harry Browne authored 12 books that in total have sold more than 2 million copies.


Harry Browne was inducted into the US Army on May 5,1953.


Harry Browne went to the Southwestern Signal Corps Training Center at Camp San Luis Obispo, California to study cryptography.


In 1955 Browne was sent to Eniwetok to finish his tour of duty and afterwards was transferred to the Army Reserves at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.


Harry Browne was released from active military service on July 17,1956.

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Harry Browne was honorably discharged from the armed forces on February 28,1961, and discharged from the Army Reserves on July 1,1961.


Harry Browne worked as an advertising and sales executive in the 1960s.


Harry Browne then devoted himself full-time to the "Americanist" cause.


Harry Browne believed that the newspapers of America would willingly buy material promoting the American way of life; so, in 1961 he took on the proprietorship of American Way Features, Inc.


Harry Browne was an investment advisor for much of his life, and developed the so-called "permanent portfolio" investment strategy, which claims to identify the four types of economic conditions that can apply over a given investment period, and the appropriate asset classes that give both profit from the upside of these conditions, and some measure of protection when they cease to prevail.


Harry Browne published his first book, How You Can Profit From The Coming Devaluation, in 1970.


Harry Browne continued to write and publish books including his personal finance book, Fail-Safe Investing: Lifelong Financial Security in 30 Minutes, published in 2001.


Harry Browne authored books and gave lectures on actively living a libertarian lifestyle.


Harry Browne was the presidential nominee of the United States Libertarian Party in the elections of 1996 and 2000.


Harry Browne worked with the Free Market News Network, of which he was the president for much of 2005, and a senior political analyst.


Harry Browne was well-read in his history, but after starting on the project he realized that 'well-read' wasn't enough.


Harry Browne was struggling with the book's structure at the time of his death.


Harry Browne authored thousands of articles and was a contributor to the news and opinion blog LewRockwell.


Harry Browne published the financial newsletter Harry Browne Special Reports from 1974 to 1997.


On March 1,2006, Harry Browne died of Lou Gehrig's disease at his home in Franklin, Tennessee.


Later that month Harry Browne was eulogized by US Congressman Ron Paul.