22 Facts About He-Man


He-Man is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the sword and planet Masters of the Universe franchise, which includes a toy line, several animated television series, comic books and a feature film.

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He-Man is characterized by his superhuman strength and in most variations, is the alter ego of Prince Adam.

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He-Man has achieved gay icon status and amassed an LGBT following—specifically amongst gay men.

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He-Man possessed one-half of the Power Sword; Skeletor had the second half, and used it as his main weapon.

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Unaware of his identity as He-Man, she saw Adam as lazy and cowardly, an act he keeps up to prevent people from discovering his secret identity.

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He-Man's archenemy was Skeletor, a blue-skinned sorcerer with a yellow skull for a head.

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He-Man was skilled in black magic and all forms of combat, being extremely cunning and intelligent.

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The storyline in the minicomics packaged with the figures explained that He-Man had left Eternia and pursued Skeletor into the depths of space, who had set his sights on conquering the distant world of Primus, a planet with great technological resources.

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He-Man was shown to have relinquished the identity of Prince Adam altogether, basing himself on Primus where he led a team of defenders known as the Galactic Guardians.

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He-Man's appearance was retooled for the new toy line, with a space helmet and golden armor added to his attire to give him a more futuristic appearance; his sword was redesigned.

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He-Man's origin was told in a 90-minute series premiere, in which the 16-year-old Prince Adam was summoned to Castle Grayskull by the Sorceress to assume the identity of He-Man and his role as Eternia's defender.

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He-Man was characterized as possessing super speed, indestructible skin, and superhuman strength.

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He-Man demonstrated his strength by lifting mountains and icebergs and hurling them toward a desired target.

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He-Man's strength was derived from magical powers within Castle Grayskull.

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He-Man can remain as He-Man for as long as he wants but if he takes too much damage or uses too much raw force, he will revert to his original form of Adam.

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In combat against the snake-god Serpos, He-Man was struck by the giant snake's tail and sent crashing into a mountain.

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He-Man's prowess is not limited to strength; he is depicted as being extremely quick and acrobatic.

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He-Man's speed has been demonstrated by running fast enough to escape massive explosions and moving his arms fast enough to counteract the winds of a tornado.

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He-Man is shown leaping great heights, usually flipping through the air several times before landing safely on his feet.

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He-Man used his intellect more often, preferring to outsmart his adversaries; most violent actions typically consisted of body-throws.

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He-Man was depicted as a leader – most noticeably in the film adaptation, where he is referred to as the "leader" of the resistance.

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He-Man uses his sword to transform Cringer into Battle Cat.

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