19 Facts About Heinrich Held


Heinrich Held was a German Catholic politician and Minister President of Bavaria.


Heinrich Held was forced out of office by the Nazi takeover in Germany in 1933.


Heinrich Held was born in Erbach in the Taunus, then a part of the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau.


Heinrich Held's father, Johannes Held, was a local farmer and musician, his mother was Susanne Held nee Kaiser.


Heinrich Held moved to Heidelberg the year after and became editor of the Regensburger Morgenblatts, a newspaper in the Bavarian city of Regensburg, in 1899.


Heinrich Held moved to take up the same position at the Regensburger Anzeiger the year after.


From 1921, Heinrich Held served as the president of the Deutscher Katholikentag, a regular gathering and discussion forum for Roman Catholics throughout Germany.


Heinrich Held was elected to the Bavarian parliament in 1907, standing for the Bavarian branch of the Centre Party, and he held his seat there until 1933.


Heinrich Held belonged to the left wing of his party and was mainly interested in fiscal politics.


Heinrich Held quickly rose to power within the party, becoming his party's leader in the parliament in 1914 and leader of the party itself shortly afterwards.


In 1917, Heinrich Held was elevated to the title of Geheimer Hofrat, a member of the Bavarian Privy council.


In 1918, after the end of the monarchy in Bavaria, Heinrich Held was one of the co-founders of the Bavarian People's Party, transforming the Centre's Bavarian branch into a new party which emphasized conservative elements and states' rights.


In July 1924, after the resignation of Eugen Ritter von Knilling, Heinrich Held became prime minister of Bavaria.


Heinrich Held's government was supported by his own party, the national-conservative German National People's Party, the national-liberal German People's Party and the Bauernbund.


Heinrich Held ran in the first round of the 1925 German presidential elections and achieved 3.7 percent of the votes.


In 1930, Heinrich Held's government lost its majority in the Bavarian parliament but continued in office as a minority administration.


From 1930 to 1932, Heinrich Held held the offices of Minister of State for Commerce, Industry and Trade and Minister of State for Agriculture.


Heinrich Held continued to advocate states rights within the German republic, publishing papers on the subject.


Heinrich Held retired from politics, first escaping to Lugano, Switzerland, where his son Josef lived, later withdrawing to Regensburg.