10 Facts About Henry Bouquet


Henry Bouquet is best known for his victory over a Native American force at the Battle of Bushy Run, lifting the siege of Fort Pitt during Pontiac's War.


Henry Bouquet was likely the son of Isaac-Barthelemy Bouquet, a mercenary in the service of the Kingdom of Sardinia, and Madeleine Rolaz.


Henry Bouquet began his military career in 1736 in the army of the Dutch Republic, and later in 1739 joined the army of the Kingdom of Sardinia.


In 1756, Henry Bouquet entered the British Army as a lieutenant colonel in the 60th Regiment of Foot, a unit made up largely of members of Pennsylvania's German immigrant community.


Henry Bouquet, who was in Philadelphia, threw together a hastily organised force of 500 men, mostly Scots Highlanders, to relieve the forts.


Shortly thereafter, representatives from the Shawnees, Senecas, and Delawares came to Henry Bouquet to sue for peace.


Henry Bouquet then moved his men from the Tuscarawas River to the Muskingum River at modern-day Coshocton, Ohio.


Henry Bouquet was responsible for the return more than 200 white captives to the settlements back east.


In 1765, Henry Bouquet was promoted to brigadier general and placed in command of all British forces in the southern colonies.


Henry Bouquet is referred to in Conrad Richter's 1953 novel The Light in the Forest, which tells the story of one young man returned to his white family as part of the 1764 treaty.