18 Facts About Houma people


Houma people take a decoction of dried Gamochaeta purpurea for colds and influenza.

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Houma people tribe, thought to be Muskogean-speaking like other Choctaw tribes, was recorded by the French explorer Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, in 1682 as living along the Red River on the east side of Mississippi River.

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The Bayogoula people were, like the Houma, thought to be related to the Choctaw people of Mississippi.

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In 1706, the Houma people migrated south from the Red River region to other areas.

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Houma people's had helped them survive through the aftermath of the American Civil War.

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Mississippi River Choctaw Red

The Houma-French language which the Houma people speak today is a mix between the French spoken by early explorers and Houma words, such as shaui.

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The Houma people continue to have a hunter-gatherer type economy, which he documented, depending on the bayous and swamps for fish and game.

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Houma people established a government that includes a council consisting of elected representatives for each tribal district and elect a principal chief as well as a vice principal chief.

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Houma people were granted land by the 1790s on Bayou Terrebonne under the Spanish colonial administration, which had prohibited Indian slavery in 1764.

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Records of these Houma people are among regular civil parish and church records, and reflect differing jurisdictional designations, rather than lack of stability as a Houma people in this area.

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Since the mid-20th century, the people identifying as Houma have organized politically, created a government, and have sought federal recognition as a tribe.

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In 1979 the Houma people tribe filed its letter of intent to petition with the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

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Houma people have been highly decentralized, with communities scattered over a wide area.

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In 2014, the Houma people were informed by the BIA that their review was in active status under these new guidelines.

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The Houma people tribe is looking for land in the area to buy in order to resettle all of the community together.

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Over time, the Houma people were encouraged to adopt European-style names; in addition, there was considerable marriage by European men and native women.

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Today most Houma people have surnames of European origin, such as Billiot, Verdin, Dardar, Naquin, Gregoire, Parfait, Chaisson, Courteau, Solet, Verret, Fitch, Creppel, etc.

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Houma people means red in Choctaw, Choctaw being the language from which Mobile Trade Jargon derived.

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