15 Facts About Integer BASIC


Integer BASIC is a BASIC interpreter written by Steve Wozniak for the Apple I and Apple II computers.

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Integer BASIC was phased out in favor of Applesoft BASIC starting with the Apple II Plus in 1979.

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Integer BASIC added commands to read paddle controllers and over a series of quick edits had a version of the game up and running.

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Wozniak began work on back-porting the floating-point code into Apple Integer BASIC, but got sidetracked in the task of designing a floppy disk controller for what became the Disk II.

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Unlike later home computer platforms, Integer BASIC was not the default environment when the Apple I started, it normally started in the monitor.

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Integer BASIC included the AUTO command to automatically enter line numbers at a given starting number like AUTO 100, adding 10 to the last number with every new line.

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Integer BASIC's string handling was based on the system in HP BASIC.

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Strings in Integer Basic used a fixed amount of memory regardless of the number of characters used within them, up to a maximum of 255 characters.

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Integer BASIC included a TAB feature, which positioned the cursor on a given column from 0 to 39.

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Atari Integer BASIC supported the same command, while North Star Integer BASIC used EXIT.

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Integer BASIC ROMs included a machine code monitor, "mini-assembler", and disassembler to create and debug assembly language programs.

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Integer BASIC read the lines typed in by the user from a buffer and ran them through a parser which output a series of tokens.

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Some keywords were represented by multiple tokens; for instance, where Microsoft BASIC had one token for the keyword PRINT, Integer BASIC had three tokens: one if the keyword was followed by no arguments, one if followed by an arithmetic expression, and one if followed by a string literal.

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Integer BASIC programs requiring floating-point calculations could CALL into these routines.

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Integer BASIC processed more of the original source code into tokens, the runtime was faster than versions that required additional runtime parsing.

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