22 Facts About James Frey


James Frey was born on September 12,1969 and is an American writer and businessman.


James Frey's 2008 novel Bright Shiny Morning was a bestseller.


James Frey is the CEO of NYXL, an esports organization based in New York.


James Frey is a Denison University alumnus, a history major from the class of 1992.


James Frey wrote the screenplays to the films Kissing a Fool and Sugar: The Fall of the West, the latter of which he directed.


Doubleday published A Million Little Pieces in April 2003, which James Frey wrote and marketed as a memoir of drug addiction, crime, and an eventual journey to sobriety.


The second book centered on the father-son relationship which James Frey formed with his friend Leonard, from the Hazelden addiction treatment program.

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The New York Times's Janet Maslin, who had been one of James Frey's detractors, gave the book a rave review.


The website stated that James Frey was never incarcerated and that he had greatly exaggerated the circumstances of a key arrest detailed in the memoir: hitting a police officer with his car, while high on crack, which led to a violent melee with multiple officers and an 87-day jail sentence.


The arresting officer, according to TSG, recalled James Frey as having been polite and cooperative.


On January 11,2006, James Frey appeared with his mother on Larry King Live.


James Frey defended his work, claiming that all memoirs alter minor details for literary effect.


James Frey consistently referred to the reality of his addiction, which he said was the principal point of his work.


James Frey wanted to hear from him directly whether he had lied to her or "simply" embellished minor details, as he had told Larry King.


James Frey acknowledged that The Smoking Gun had been accurate when the website reported that Frey only spent a few hours in jail rather than the 87 days Frey claimed in his memoirs.


On January 31,2006, it was announced that James Frey had been dropped by his literary manager, Kassie Evashevski of Brillstein-Grey Entertainment, over matters of trust.


On February 1,2006, Random House published James Frey's note to the reader, which was included in later editions of the book.


Riverhead previously published James Frey's bestselling 2005 book My Friend Leonard.


The refund offer was extended to anyone who had purchased the book prior to James Frey's disclosing the falsehoods therein.


In May 2009, Vanity Fair reported that Winfrey had called James Frey and apologized for the surprise topic change of the January 26,2006 interview.


In 2009, James Frey formed Full Fathom Five, a young adult novel publishing company that aimed to create highly commercial novels like Twilight.


The article details how James Frey removed Hughes from the project, allegedly during a screaming match between the two authors.