15 Facts About James Tague


James Thomas Tague was a car salesman who received minor injuries during the assassination of United States President John F Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, on November 22,1963.


Besides Kennedy and Texas Governor John B Connally, Tague was the only other person known to have been struck as a result of gunfire at Dallas's Dealey Plaza that day.


James Tague dropped out of Purdue University to join the United States Air Force.


James Tague graduated from the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine and became a car salesman in Dallas, Texas.


James Tague had been driving to Downtown Dallas to have lunch with his girlfriend when he came upon a traffic jam caused by the presidential motorcade that was traveling west on Elm Street.


James Tague later testified that the first shot he recalled hearing had occurred after the presidential limousine had already completed the 120-degree slow turn from Houston Street onto Elm Street and then straightened out.


James Tague had a small left facial scab from a cut, which occurred a week before the assassination.


The curb surrounding the scar chip was not cut out until August 1964, after James Tague had repeatedly reminded authorities of being wounded during the shots, and it is in the National Archives.


James Tague was called by the Warren Commission to testify on July 23,1964.


James Tague initially stated that he had been wounded on his cheek by the second or the third of the three shots that he remembered hearing.


James Tague wrote that he was injured after the second shot.


In 2011, James Tague revisited the scene of his injury for the researcher Max Holland's investigation into the first shot for the documentary JFK: The Lost Bullet.


In 2013, Tague published his second book, LBJ and the Kennedy Killing, which claimed that Vice President Lyndon B Johnson and his associates were involved in the assassination.


James Tague became a car salesman in Bonham, Texas, where he retired.


James Tague died there on February 28,2014, at the age of 77.