20 Facts About Jay Sekulow


Jay Alan Sekulow is an American lawyer, radio, television talk show host and politically conservative media personality.


Jay Sekulow hosts a syndicated radio show and is a frequent guest commentator on the Christian Broadcasting Network and the Fox News Channel television networks.


Jay Alan Sekulow was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Natalie and Stanley Sekulow.


Jay Sekulow was raised on Long Island, in the town of Jericho.


Jay Sekulow came from a Jewish family, attended Hebrew School, and had a bar mitzvah.


In 1987 Jay Sekulow became general counsel for Jews for Jesus.


In 1992, Jay Sekulow became the director of the ACLJ, where he was chief counsel and principal officer in 2018.

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Jay Sekulow owns Regency Productions, the company that produces his radio show and was paid $11.3 million by the two charities for production services between 2000 and 2017.


Jay Sekulow is the host of ACLJ This Week, a weekly television news program broadcast on Trinity Broadcasting Network and Daystar.


Jay Sekulow served as lead outside counsel for Trump during his impeachment proceedings in 2019 and 2020.


Jay Sekulow made several allegedly false statements on the Senate floor during the first Trump impeachment trial.


Jay Sekulow has opposed the building of Park51, an Islamic center in Lower Manhattan two blocks from the World Trade Center.


The Washington Post reported on May 20,2019, that Cohen testified in closed session before the Intelligence Committee that Jay Sekulow instructed him to falsely testify that the Trump Tower Moscow discussions ended in January 2016.


The New York Times reported in December 2019 that people close to Jay Sekulow said he told them he voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.


Jordan Jay Sekulow is an attorney with the ACLJ and Director of International Operations.


Jay Sekulow is a Messianic Jew and a convert to Christianity.


Jay Sekulow has argued in front of the United States Supreme Court 12 times, specializing in issues of the First Amendment.


Jay Sekulow has submitted several amicus briefs in support of conservative issues.


Jay Sekulow has submitted amicus briefs in landmark cases such as Hamdi v Rumsfeld, Rasul v Bush, Gonzales v Planned Parenthood, and Hein v Freedom from Religion Foundation.


Jay Sekulow was counsel to Robert and Mary Schindler during the controversy surrounding their daughter, Terri Schiavo.