12 Facts About Jeanne Bonaparte


Jeanne Bonaparte was a great-niece of Napoleon I of France, and the only daughter of Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte by his wife Eleonore-Justine Ruflin.


Jeanne Bonaparte was well known in French society as an artist and sculptor, and was married to Christian de Villeneuve-Esclapon.


Jeanne Bonaparte was one of five children born to her parents, but only one of two who survived to adulthood.


Jeanne Bonaparte was born during the reign of Napoleon III of France, but her family was never well received at the French imperial court as her grandfather Lucien Bonaparte displeased his brother Napoleon I with his choice of wife and was concequently disinherited.


Jeanne Bonaparte helped Jeanne by sending her to an art school in Paris.


Jeanne Bonaparte married Christian de Villeneuve-Escacalpon, the deputy of Corsica on 21 March 1882.


Jeanne Bonaparte has little of her mother's striking beauty, although she resembles her a good deal, but she is tall, distinguished looking, and has a wealth of raven tresses.


Jeanne Bonaparte had a Paris salon that was frequented by illustrious writers and painters, as well as the cream of American society.


Jeanne Bonaparte's husband was, apart from politics, mostly interested in occultism.


Jeanne Bonaparte was remarkable for her beauty, which was more of the Oriental style; she was very dark and had a sallow complexion, but beautiful black eyes and long eyelashes.


On 21 November 1907, Jeanne served as a witness for the marriage of her niece Princess Marie Bonaparte to Prince George of Greece and Denmark.


Jeanne Bonaparte died on 25 July 1910 in Paris, at the age of 48, predeceasing her husband by three years.