11 Facts About Jeffrey Meyers


Jeffrey Meyers was born in New York City in 1939 and grew up in New York.


Jeffrey Meyers was an undergraduate at the University of Michigan and earned his doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley.


Jeffrey Meyers taught at UCLA, for the Far East Division of the University of Maryland in Japan, and Tufts University, and then spent time writing in London and Malaga, Spain before teaching at the University of Colorado from 1975 to 1992.


Jeffrey Meyers has been a visiting professor at the universities of Kent and Massachusetts, Jemison Professor at the University of Alabama and Visiting Scholar at Berkeley.


Jeffrey Meyers has won three Colorado Research Awards and two Faculty Fellowships as well as Huntington Library, Fulbright, ACLS and Guggenheim grants.


In 1983 Meyers became one of 12 Americans who are Fellows of the Royal Society of Literature, and in 2005 received an Award in Literature "to honor exceptional achievement" from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.


Jeffrey Meyers is a specialist in archival research and published the FBI file on Ernest Hemingway, love letters by Hemingway, and literary manuscripts by Wyndham Lewis, Ezra Pound, and Roy Campbell.


Jeffrey Meyers has had 33 works translated into 14 languages and is sometimes referenced as a "serial biographer" due to his prolific biographic output.


Jeffrey Meyers's manuscripts are in the University of Tulsa, University of Texas at Austin, Huntington Library in Los Angeles, Harvard University, University of Virginia, and John F Kennedy libraries.


Jeffrey Meyers has spoken on television about his literary discoveries on CBS Morning News and about Orwell on C-Span's Booknotes.


Besides writing, Jeffrey Meyers' interests include collecting books, tennis, seeking silence, and avoiding boredom.