15 Facts About Jenny Tung


Jenny Tung is an evolutionary anthropologist and geneticist.


Jenny Tung is an Associate Professor of Biology and a researcher at Duke University.


Jenny Tung's father was a chemical engineer for DuPont, an American chemical company, and her mother was a teacher prior to their coming to the United States.


Jenny Tung is married to Sayan Mukherjee, a Duke University Professor of Statistical Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science.


Jenny Tung earned a bachelor's degree in 2003 from Duke University.


Jenny Tung remained at Duke for her graduate studies, obtaining a PhD in 2010.


Jenny Tung's research is helping to provide a better understanding for how health, lifespans, and fitness are all affected by social and environmental stressors.


Jenny Tung focused her early research on primates, but is looking to further her research with meerkats to continue to study the social interactions among them and link those interactions to other aspects of research.


Jenny Tung discovered that the social environment of primates doesn't just influence the physical health and behavior of an individual, but affects gene regulation.


Jenny Tung looked into how the different social environments affected the rest of the individual's life in terms of: social status, relationships with others, and behavior.


Jenny Tung has conducted and contributed to many other projects.


Jenny Tung's most cited paper according to Google Scholar is "Social environment is associated with gene regulatory variation in the rhesus macaque immune system".


In 2009, Jenny Tung received the Primate Genomics Initiative Graduate Student Fellowship from Duke University, and the Katherine Goodman Stern Dissertation Year Fellowship from Duke University, which provides recipients with tuition and fee coverage, as well as an annual stipend.


Jenny Tung was nominated for the Duke Postdoctoral Mentoring Award in 2013 from Duke University.


Jenny Tung was awarded the 2019 MacArthur Fellowship from the MacArthur Foundation, which awarded her with $625,000.