10 Facts About Jens Baggesen


Jens Immanuel Baggesen was a major Danish poet, librettist, critic, and comic writer.


Jens Baggesen's parents were very poor, and he was sent to copy documents at the office of the clerk of Hornsherred District before he was twelve.


Jens Baggesen was a melancholy, feeble child, and he attempted suicide more than once.


Jens Baggesen then tried more serious lyric poetry and his tact, elegant manners, and versatility gained him a place in the best society.


Jens Baggesen left Denmark in a rage and spent the next years in Germany, France, and Switzerland.


Jens Baggesen published his next poem in that language, but brought the Danish as a peace offering upon his return to Denmark in the winter.


Jens Baggesen then stayed, engaging in one abusive literary feud after another, most with the underlying issue that Baggesen was determined not to allow Oehlenschlager to be considered a greater poet than himself.


Jens Baggesen finally left for Paris in 1820, where he lost his second wife and youngest child in 1822.


Jens Baggesen's satire is marred by his egotism and passions, but his comic poems are deathless.


Jens Baggesen's finished and elegant style was very influential on later Danish literature, in which he is regarded as the major figure between Holberg and Oehlenschlager.